
"Your eyes

are made

for a reason."

Frank Matthys specializes in three-dimensional photography.

He has the technology in house of a construction, building, antique, machine part, archaeological find, ...

to create a digital three-dimensional image.



This technique can be valuable

for the following departments:


- town and city councils for creating photographic databases
to establish a detailed historic art patrimony

(churches, cathedrals, city halls, castles, statutes, ...)
and to keep them as a file and/or a help for restaurations


 - architects who use representations of old and new buildings


- archeologists for detailed photography of the findings


- constructors for analysis of manufactured machine parts


- museums for indexation of the objects in their possession and exhibited


- publishers for editions with 3D-pictures such as books, magazines, catalogues, calendars, ...



You can only watch this image with special glasses delivered with the images (red and green filter).

Put the glasses on with the red filter in front of your left eye.

Relax your eyes, watch normally, take your time ... and discover!



Kalpa-School (Hyderabad, India)


Welcome to our school !
Luxe-brochure showing this pre-primary school.
At Kalpa, they provide the right foundation for the future generation to emerge as world-beaters, excelling in every sphere of life - personal, social and professional.
To ensure well-rounded development of students, their participation in co-curricular activities is actively encouraged. Towards this end, top-class facilities are available for them to pursue the sports, hobbies and arts they are interested in with guidance provided to hone their talent and inspire them to excel.


23 x 23 cm - 24 pages - 20 pictures in 3D



Hoi An (Vietnam)


Discover the beautiful old city of Hoi An, located in central Vietnam, famous for its unique old houses, temples, market and the oldest fishing port of Vietnam.
Frank Matthys guides you, with 127 amazing pictures in 3D, through the streets of this place, protected by UNESCO.
By use of three-dimensional photography he creates a perfect reproduction of the magic beauty of Hoi An.
The typical roof structure, life along the riverand in the street, the old valuable buildings are reflected in a superb manner.


Vietnamese - English - French
21 x 26 cm - 56 pages - 127 pictures in 3D



Brugge in 't echt (Belgium)


Discover the beautiful Bruges, located 20 km from the Belgian coast, known for its unique and well-preserved old buildings, churches, markets, museums, its Belfry, the canals, ...

sing 247 3D photos, Frank Matthys guides you through the streets of this UNESCO-protected city. By using three-dimensional photography, he creates a true-to-life and spatial representation of the enchanting beauty of Bruges.


Dutch - French - German - English
ISBN 978-90-811-3871-0
220 x 275 mm - 112 pages - 247 pictures in 3D


Ieper in 't echt (Belgium)


Using 212 3D photos, Frank Matthys guides you through the streets of this city located in the Westhoek, also called "Cat City" or "Peace City".

By using three-dimensional photography, he creates a faithful representation of the countless valuable buildings, art heritage, war monuments, cemeteries and the daily street scene; all this beautifully presented.


Dutch - French - German - English
ISBN 978-90-811-3873-4
220 x 275 mm - 112 pages - 212 pictures in 3D



Leuven in 't echt (Belgium)


Discover the centuries-old university city of Leuven, located 30 km from Brussels, known for its unique town hall, Beguinages (UNESCO World Heritage), churches, parks, statues, university buildings, ...

Using more than 202 photos in 3D, Frank Matthys guides you through the streets of this city located on the Dyle.

By using three-dimensional photography, he creates a true-to-life and spatial representation of countless different architectural styles, art heritage and the daily street scene.


Dutch - French - German - English
ISBN 978-90-811-3872-7
220 x 275 mm - 112 pages - 202 pictures in 3D



Vis van bij ons


With his fish and cookbook 'Fish from ours', Maarten du Bois provides a true scoop. Fish and dishes are displayed in 3D!

This book is primarily written for chefs, hobby chefs and students of hotel schools, but also for those who love good food. In addition to accurate descriptions of the different fish species, stories about a number of top chefs are also discussed. These are real professionals who care about our fish and put it on the menu every day. They also tell us a specially composed recipe.



ISBN 978-90-78957-00-3
237 x 296 mm - 112 pages - 23 pictures in 3D



"My India"


Traveling through India always gives you the opportunity to use your organs of sense : watching the immense crowd in the railway stations or the beautiful nature in the Himalayas, listening to the many languages or the typical Indian music, smelling the numerous herbes at the local markets, tasting the delicious food wherever you are, touching the high quality silk of the gracious sarias, feeling the differences of the temperatures, ...

Frank Matthys (FOTOF) and Hans De Craemer guide you through this amazing country, full of colours, full of contrasts, full of religions, full of life.

Welcome to the country with its huge amount of historical architecture styles, preserved as treasures.
Meet the people of India with their dazzling smile.


300 x 300 mm - 95 pages

353 pictures, including 229 pictures in 3D



12.770 km in India
9 flights in India
66 highlights
6 cameras
10.867 pictures, including 4.670 captured in 3D


info: harsha@pragati.com


Printed and published in India by



The making of

"My India"

Dromen van Dromen

The magical world of optical illusions


The "secret" lies in drawing three-dimensional objects on

a two-dimensional plane.

As a result, a dimension is missing and it is precisely this dimension that Frank Matthys uses, or rather: abuses.


Dutch - French - German - English
ISBN 90-73185-02-5
225 x 225 mm - 144 pages - 59 optical illusions